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Weekly Axis - December 26, 2023

ETF watching. 2024 Predictions

The Weekly Axis - Dec. 26, 2023

The Christmas Edition. ETF Watching.

This week was all about ETF watching. The SEC apparently had a meeting with ALL the prospective bitcoin spot ETF issuers, trying to get all their ducks in a row for the likely approval in early January.

This was also a big week for the annual year-end reviews, and 2024 outlooks. Our friends at Bitwise had 10 predictions, and we started addressing them all, with a few of our responses below.

Since many of the Bitcoin mining companies are doing well, and even expanding, we have a deep dive on Bitcoin mining included today.

Are you ready for the Spot ETFs? Do you know what conversations you’ll have with your clients?

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Axis News Updates

📉Bitwise Prediction 1 - BTC going to ATH

Bitwise, a name we all recognize in the crypto world, has made some bold predictions for 2024. And guess what? They're seeing Bitcoin soaring past its previous all-time highs! Intrigued? Let's dive in.

A New Peak on the Horizon?

Imagine Bitcoin trading above $80,000. Yes, you heard that right! Bitwise anticipates this and more. But what's fueling this optimism? Two major events are on the horizon: the launch of a Spot Bitcoin ETF in early 2024 and the Bitcoin halving around the end of April. Let's break these down.

The ETF Effect

The introduction of a Spot Bitcoin ETF could be a game changer. When such an ETF gets the green light, it's not just a nod from the regulatory bodies. It's an open invitation for more investors to jump into the Bitcoin pool. This means more demand, and as we know, when demand goes up and supply is limited (remember, only 21 million Bitcoins ever), prices tend to follow suit.

Halving the Supply, Doubling the Excitement

Bitcoin's supply halving is another event you can't afford to ignore. Imagine the supply of new Bitcoin getting slashed in half while the demand keeps climbing. This scarcity could send Bitcoin's value to new heights.

What Does This Mean for You, the Financial Advisor?

As financial advisors, these predictions are more than just interesting news. They could reshape your advisory landscape.

  1. Stay Informed: Understand the impact of a Spot Bitcoin ETF and the supply halving. This knowledge is crucial for navigating client conversations and investment strategies.

  2. Educate Your Clients: Your clients might hear the buzz and come to you with questions. Be ready to explain the dynamics of supply and demand in Bitcoin and how it might affect their portfolios.

  3. Strategic Planning: Consider how an increase in Bitcoin's price might fit into your clients' investment strategies. Does it offer a hedge against inflation? Could it be a diversification tool?

  4. Regulatory and Market Developments: Keep an eye on regulatory changes and market developments. They can offer signals for potential shifts in the crypto landscape.

  5. Risk Management: As always, balance enthusiasm with caution. Cryptocurrency can be volatile, so it's essential to align any investment with your clients' risk tolerance and long-term financial goals.

Wrapping Up

The road to 2024 looks promising for Bitcoin, with potential highs that we haven't seen before. As financial advisors, staying ahead of these trends is key. Remember, you're guiding your clients through a landscape that's evolving faster than ever.

Bitwise Prediction 3 - Coinbase will Double Revenue and beat Wall Street Expectations by 10x

We wanted to address the third prediction from Ryan and the Bitwise team - Coinbase's revenue might not just double but could potentially beat Wall Street expectations by a whopping 10 times!

A Summary of the Key Points:

- Bull Market Surge: Historically, Coinbase has seen its trading volumes skyrocket in bull markets. The same trend is expected to continue, driving up revenue significantly.

- New Product Traction: Coinbase isn't resting on its laurels. They've launched a variety of new products that are gaining traction, opening up new revenue streams.

- The Unique Position of Coinbase: This is where it gets really interesting. Coinbase is a bit of a maverick in the crypto space, breaking new ground and defying traditional valuation models.

Now, let's talk about what this could mean for you, as a financial advisor.

1. Diversifying Revenue Streams: Coinbase’s growth isn't just tied to the ups and downs of crypto trading. They’re expanding into custodial services for ETFs, offering a platform for financial advisors, and even exploring futures trading outside the U.S. This breadth of services could mean more stable revenue streams, making Coinbase a potentially more resilient investment.

2. BASE - A Game Changer: The launch of BASE, Coinbase’s Layer 2 solution on Ethereum, is a big deal. It promises fast, inexpensive transactions, which could accelerate crypto adoption. This development is particularly crucial for advisors, as it could open up new ways for your clients to engage with digital assets.

3. Project Diamond - Institutional Appeal: This project is all about tokenizing funds on-chain, offering institutional investors a compliant way to dive into crypto. It's a clear sign that Coinbase is thinking big and thinking about the future.

4. Beyond Traditional Revenue: Perhaps the most crucial takeaway here is that Coinbase's value proposition is evolving beyond just trading fees. They're positioning themselves at the forefront of the DeFi movement and digital asset tokenization.

Keep an eye on Coinbase. Their journey is not just a story of a company's growth but a glimpse into the future of finance itself.

Deep Dive

🌐The Positive Impact of Bitcoin Mining on Renewable Energy

In the past few weeks we’ve seen publicly traded Bitcoin mining companies shoot up in value, and most of them have made lasrge investments in more miners and infrastructure. This is usually met with some hostility from environmental groups, so I wanted to address this via video.

Let's unpack this together:

How Bitcoin Mining is Changing the Game for Clean Energy:

- The Surprising Connection: In my talk, I explored how Bitcoin mining is not just consuming energy but actually driving the growth of renewable energy sources like solar and wind.

- The Economics and Environment Hand-in-Hand: I delved into the economics of Bitcoin mining and highlighted its unexpected yet significant synergy with environmental initiatives.

What Does This Mean for You as a Financial Advisor?

1. Educate Your Clients: You'll likely meet clients who are worried about the environmental impact of their investments, including Bitcoin. This insight arms you with the information to address their concerns more effectively.

2. New Investment Avenues: Understanding the intersection of Bitcoin mining and renewable energy could open up new, exciting investment opportunities for clients interested in both digital assets and environmental sustainability.

3. Stay Ahead of Market Trends: Keeping abreast of these developments will not only enhance the advice you offer but also position you as a forward-thinking advisor in a rapidly evolving market.

Diving Deeper:

In my experience as a Bitcoin miner, I've seen firsthand the substantial energy requirements of mining. But here's the kicker – Bitcoin mining is incentivizing cleaner energy use. Setting up mining operations near renewable sources turns out to be a win-win, making renewable projects profitable right from the start and pushing the technology forward.

Key Considerations:

- Direct Renewable Energy Use: By directly harnessing renewable energy for mining, we bypass the inefficiencies of long-distance energy transmission.

- Immediate Profitability: Renewable projects can be immediately profitable by powering Bitcoin mining operations, reducing dependency on government subsidies.

- Cleaner Energy Incentives: Bitcoin mining is encouraging the use of cleaner energy sources, moving away from traditional, more polluting fuels.

Wrapping It Up:

This discussion challenges the narrative around Bitcoin mining's environmental harm and opens up the possibility of cryptocurrencies promoting sustainable energy practices. As financial advisors, it's essential we understand and incorporate these dynamics into our strategies.

I love the mix of adoption and investment news. For advisors, we need to be keeping up with both. Crypto and blockchain present investment opportunities, as well as potential to disrupt or change our industry.

We’ll be here to help you understand.

And remember, if you know someone who might want to read this, please pass it on.

Have a great last week of 2023.

-Adam and Ron